Grill In The Garage – Everything You Should Know

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Even though you’re having a good time grilling with your friends and family, it starts to rain right in the middle of the fun. You’re tempted to drag your grill into your garage to try to save your burgers and hot dogs. Even worse is when you can’t grill for months because of the cold weather.

No matter what, you should never grill in the garage or anywhere else inside.

As I write this, it is actually raining outside, which brings up a question that many people have: is it safe to grill in the garage?

Well, the answer is no.

Even though grilling may seem like a lot of fun, there are a lot of risks when you do it inside or in the garage. There are risks to health, fires, and other things. To be more specific, you can’t grill from your garage if you use a charcoal grill, a propane grill, or a gas grill.

But who wants to grill outdoors when it’s raining or snowing?

If you can’t grill in the garage, what other ways are there to stay dry while grilling?

Read on to learn why you shouldn’t grill in your garage and when it’s okay to grill inside. This article will also answer questions about how to grill indoors and what safety measures you should take when grilling.

grill in the garage

Dangers of grilling in the garage

Carbon monoxide will be made when you grill in the garage. It is made by your grill when it is running by the flame, as it is by any fire. This is true whether you use propane, charcoal, or lump coal.

Carbon monoxide is a gas that doesn’t smell and can kill you or your pet if you’re not careful. This is the same reason you shouldn’t leave your car running in the garage with all the doors shut. It can be deadly.

Carbon monoxide levels could get too high in your garage if you only open your service door or garage door. This is a good reason not to start cooking on the grill in the garage.

If your garage is attached, it can be even riskier. Local building codes say that there should be a fire/smoke-rated wall between your garage and your house. This should help keep carbon monoxide from coming into the house, but it could still happen.

This is especially important if you live in an older house with a garage that was built before building codes existed.

Poisoning that can’t be detected

Carbon monoxide, or CO, is made when the briquets in a charcoal grill don’t burn all the way. When charcoal is burned, it gives off a lot of CO. Carbon monoxide can quickly kill you by taking the place of oxygen in your lungs. Carbon monoxide gas can get to dangerous levels even in a partially closed space.

Carbon monoxide doesn’t make you feel bad, has no smell, no color, and can’t be seen. The gas is lighter than air, so it easily rises to the ceiling and pushes oxygen away from the top down, which is where your head is.

When your lungs are taking in carbon monoxide, you don’t know it until it’s too late.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, nausea, ringing in the ears, feeling weak, and having your heart beat fast. Children act much faster than adults do. As soon as possible, oxygen should be given.

If you grill in the garage, there is a greater chance of a fire

Whether you have a Big Green Egg, like I do, or a gas or charcoal grill, you still have to deal with fire. Even if the garage isn’t obviously flammable, there are usually a lot of other things in there that are, like oil or a gas can for your lawn mower or snow blower.

With just one spark or flare-up, you could have a big problem. It is definitely not a good idea to grill in the garage. If you still want to grill in the garage, make sure you are far from any of these chemicals or items that can catch fire. Also, make sure the garage door and any service doors you may have in your garage are fully open to let in as much air as possible.

I would also keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case something goes wrong. Just remember the acronym “PASS”, which means:

  • Pull – Pull the fire extinguisher’s pin.
  • Aim – Aim for the fire’s base
  • Squeeze – Squeeze the handle
  • Sweep – sweep the fire’s base to put it out

Along with a fire extinguisher, I would also suggest putting a carbon monoxide sensor in the garage to make sure you are safe since carbon monoxide is odorless.

fire extinguisher

Fire departments and grill makers say that grills should not be used closer than 10 feet to any building or structure that could catch fire. Grills put out a lot of heat, and garage ceilings aren’t high enough to let that heat escape safely. Sparks and heat can start a fire on the ceiling.

Both charcoal and gas are very flammable sources of fuel for grills. On some of the models, there is a warning. For example, a charcoal fluid starter is very flammable, and there is a high chance that it will start a fire in your garage.

Most garages have things like oil, paint, and gasoline that are dangerous because they can start fires. When grilling, they can easily catch fire and start a fire in the garage. Also, having too much stuff in the garage, like boxes, can make it easy to start a fire while grilling.

Don’t forget the residual heat

Carbon Monoxide can still kill you if there is still heat in the charcoal after it has cooled. Even in a semi-open space, if you open the grill top to cook without a good chimney system, or even if you do have one, the grill can give off enough CO gas to build up in the quiet corners of the garage.

First and always, safety comes first

Never use a charcoal or propane grill inside. Even though it may be tempting and seem safe because you have a lid, people often start fires inside because they think these things are true. Even in the winter, grilling inside sounds like a good idea, but you can’t use fuel that can catch fire inside your home.

Propane grills are just as dangerous. You can’t even keep a propane tank inside because if it leaks, it can cause an explosion. All tanks should be kept in a safe place and should be checked often for leaks that could cause water to pool next to them.

Don’t put a propane grill near a car or anything else that runs on gas. There are barbecue smokers that use a mix of heat sources, but again, you don’t want the smoke to spread all over your house. Electric grills can be an exception to these safety rules, but you still need to keep an eye on them because any appliance can break down and become a safety hazard.

At the end of the day, it is just best not to grill in the garage.

safety comes first

When can you use indoor grills?

Most of the time, grilling is done outside.

However, if the weather is bad, like on a rainy afternoon, you might need to grill under a shelter. People tend to grill inside their garages because it is the room closest to open space.

Still, there are times when you can grill inside.

First of all, you should only grill inside when you have an indoor grill. Indoor grills are powered by electricity. Electrical grills only come in two types: open grills and contact grills.

The open grill is made to look like a normal outdoor grill and cooks food the same way. The main difference between these two grills is that the open grill is powered by electricity and is easier to clean than the outdoor grill.

The contact grill looks like the famous George Foreman’s grill. It opens up like a clam. You can make great sandwiches on this kind of grill. It can also grill on both sides, which gives it an edge over other grills. In the same way, the contact grill doesn’t need much attention while it’s cooking.

Still, one thing it doesn’t do well is that it can’t be used to grill a lot of food at once.

Besides electric grills, you can grill food indoors with a grill pan. The grill pan is big and heavy, and it rides high. So, it lets you lift your food up and away from the grease. This grill is also a good choice because it is very cheap.

So what if you already have an outdoor grill?

Well, don’t be scared. If you don’t want to spend the extra money on an indoor grill, you could make space in your compound for your outdoor grill. You can do this by putting up a gazebo, picnic pavilion, canopy, or any other kind of shelter where you can grill even when it’s raining or windy.

The setup should keep the rain off, but it shouldn’t be completely closed. It also shouldn’t be too close to your house. With this, you can grill even when it’s raining or snowing hard and your hotdogs won’t get soggy.

All of these are alternatives that you could use if you don’t want to grill outside or if the weather is bad.

How to use a grill indoors?

Here are some tips on how to use an indoor grill well:

  • If you want to grill marinated meat on an indoor grill, put it on a cooling rack so it can drain. This is because meat doesn’t drain well on grills used inside. So, if you don’t drain the meat first, you might end up with marinades on grilled meat that I don’t think anyone wants.
  • Next, cut away any extra fat from the meat. Most of the time, too much burning is caused by too much fat. When you grill in a garage or any other room, instead of outside, the smoke stays in the room. So, the best way to deal with this smoke is to cut down on it by getting rid of extra fat before grilling.
  • Grilling indoors is the same as grilling outside. You need to pay attention, especially because it’s dangerous when you’re inside.
  • If you want to bast your meat, brush the basters on lightly and don’t spill so you don’t make smoke.
  • You might also want to put the grill near a window in case of fires. When grilling inside or in a garage, it’s also important to keep a fire extinguisher close by.
grilling outside

Grill that can be used safely in the garage

If none of these options work for you and you still want to grill in the garage, there is one more option that is safer than propane, charcoal, or lump coal.

An electric grill would be the choice.

There are actually a lot of good things about an electric grill. Most of the time, they are lighter, which makes them easy to carry. They are very useful at tailgating parties and even camping, especially if you don’t have a big RV and just camp in a tent.

Most of the time, they don’t stick, which makes them easy to clean. They are also good for apartments because they don’t give off carbon monoxide and won’t catch fire like a regular grill.

I don’t think they have quite the same flavor, but they are a great option to think about if you want to grill in the garage.

Grilling with electricity in your garage

Two main types of electric grills can be used indoors: open grills and folding contact grills.

The open grill looks a lot like a normal charcoal grill you’d find outside, but it’s easier to clean and runs on electricity.

The contact grill opens up like a clamshell and is often the same model that made George Foreman famous.

Either of these grills is a good choice if you want to grill inside. You can use them in the garage, but you can also use them in the kitchen. These electric appliances cook like grills because they have their own heating elements, but you don’t have to flip them over unless you want to.

These grills also heat up much faster than other grills. It only takes a few minutes for a burger or a piece of meat or fish to cook for about 10 minutes.

Not every electric grill is made to be used inside. For example, if you buy a smoker, you shouldn’t even use it in your garage because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Be aware that smokers put out a lot of smoke and carbon monoxide. This is dangerous and can kill.

This means that they should only be used outside, where the carbon monoxide they give off can go up into the air and away from the people who breathe it.

There are so many different kinds of electric grills that it would be pointless to list them all here. All over this website, you can find reviews. Just make sure you read the instructions and keep reading articles like this one to learn more. Grilling and barbecuing can be great ways to try new foods.

Also Read: Best Smoker for Beginners

electric grill

How to keep your electric grill safe?

You probably already know how to use a flame grill safely, but you should also be careful when using an electric grill. As with grilling outside, it’s important to develop safe habits when grilling indoors. When you grill, always follow these important safety steps.

How to grill well?

Don’t leave your grill unattended, especially if you’re grilling in your garage. Even with an electric grill, the chance of a fire getting out of control is much higher inside.

Batch grilling, which means cooking a small amount of food at a time, will help prevent flare-ups by reducing the number of fat drippings.

The most important thing is to clean your electric grill every time you use it. The best way to avoid fires is to keep your grill clean.

Think about your garage space

When picking an electric grill, you can’t ignore how much space you have in your garage. To make electric grilling as safe as possible, think about how big your grill is and where you put it in your garage.

Choose an electric grill whose size will fit in your garage. A grill that is the right size will help the smoke and fumes from cooking get out of the way.

house with garage

It’s just as important to plan where to put your grill. Make sure you get rid of anything that could catch fire and put the grill on a safe surface. Think about how you will get to your grill as well. Get rid of any obstacles or trip hazards that could hurt someone.

Make sure you plug your electric grill into an outlet that protects against power surges and don’t use an extension cord. When you use an extension cord with a heat source, you increase the risk of a fire.

Learn More: Turning a Garage into a Man Cave

Checklist for shutting down

If you grill in your garage, you might want to hang a personal checklist for turning off the grill on the wall next to it. Taking a look at this list will help you make sure you’re following the right steps to turn off your grill.

If you leave your grill on by accident, either outside or inside, it can start a fire. As an extra safety measure, your checklist helps you make sure that you have turned off and unplugged your electric grill.

Get ready for a fire

Even though I hope you never have to deal with a fire caused by your grill, being ready for one will help you stay safe. Keep a fire extinguisher that you can hold in your hand near your grill, away from the heat.

You should also practice using your fire extinguisher so you know how to use it when you’re under a lot of stress. If you really need to grill before you can get a fire extinguisher, you can put out small flames with baking soda.

How to stay dry while grilling and can you grill in the rain? (4 ways)

A golf umbrella is one of the cheaper ways to stay dry while grilling, but who wants to hold an umbrella while grilling?

Check out these other ways to grill outside that will keep you dry:

  • A grill canopy is a cheap way to stay dry while grilling.
  • A patio umbrella is probably the cheapest way to stay dry while you grill. It also lets you move it around to give yourself shade on a hot summer day.
  • Lean-to or outdoor kitchen. This is the most expensive option, but the nicest one if you like to grill a lot. You can cover your deck well by putting a roof over it. Unlike a garage, you have a lot of ventilation because at least three sides are wide open. With this option, you can really go overboard and add power for a ceiling fan, a TV for the big game, or even a refrigerator.
  • Retractable awnings, which can be opened and closed by hand or by pressing a button. They are good for grilling, but they can also keep you cool and dry on a hot day or give you shade.

Things to think about for safety when grilling 

Clean your barbecue

Most people want to go straight to grilling their food. Flare-ups can happen, though, if your grill is dirty.

Also, a dirty grill may change the taste of the food you grill. As a result, to get the most out of your grill, you should clean the grease and fat that has built up on the gates. Every time you use the grill, you should clean it.

Cook your food in groups

This is one of the most important safety steps you can take when grilling. When you put too much food on the grill, especially fatty food, too much fat can drip into the flames and cause flares. But you can avoid this by grilling your food in large groups.

grilling food in groups

Use a thermometer for meat

If you don’t want to eat half-cooked meat, you should use a meat thermometer to find out if it is done. People who grill often just look at the meat and decide if it’s done or not. If the meat isn’t cooked all the way through, you could get sick from harmful bacteria that live in raw meat.

Turn off your barbecue

Make sure to turn off the grill when you’re done grilling. If you have a gas grill, turn off the burners or the fuel source. For charcoal grills, on the other hand, make sure the coal is completely cool. Put them in a metal container when they are cool.

Be prepared for a fire

You can use baking soda to help put out fire flares. This means that you have to be able to get to it quickly. A fire extinguisher should be close by in case of large fires.

So, when you’re grilling, you should be aware that a fire could start and know how to put it out.

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Frequently asked questions

Is it safe to use a grill in an open garage?

Even if you leave the door open to help with ventilation, using a flame grill inside a garage is still dangerous.

Is it safe to keep a grill in your garage?

Once it is clean and cold, you can store any grill in your garage to protect it from the weather. Make sure your fuel is kept at a safe temperature and away from things that can catch fire.

Does carbon monoxide come out of a propane grill?

Yes. Carbon monoxide is made by both charcoal and propane grills.

Do electric grills produce carbon monoxide?

No, carbon monoxide is not made by electric grills because they don’t make smoke. There’s a reason why they can be used inside.

Can electric smokers catch fire?

If the tray holding the woodchips breaks or falls into the smoker, the electric smoker could catch fire easily. When the door to the smoker opens, it starts a fire.

Does grilling inside change the taste?

Sadly, that’s true. You can’t compare how meat tastes when grilled outside to how it tastes when grilled inside. Meat that is grilled outside tastes more real and has that distinctly grilled taste.

Can you get cancer from eating food that has been grilled?

Yes, burning any food with fat makes cells that can cause cancer. This means that eating grilled food puts you at risk of getting cancer.

Is food grilled inside healthier for you than food grilled outside?

Food that is grilled inside is just as likely to make you sick as food that is grilled outside. As was said above, the idea is that burning fat makes substances that can cause cancer. Because of this, grilling indoors is not an exception.


If the weather is bad, you will have to put your life and the lives of your loved ones before your own comfort.

That means you can’t grill inside.

But does that mean you can’t grill at all in the winter?

The good news is that no. If you have the right grill, like the electric grills, you can grill inside. Electric grills are made to be used inside and don’t pose any risks.

Image credits: Pixabay, Unsplash and Pexels

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