Amazing Tips For Cooking A Steak On A Griddle

Amazing Tips For Cooking A Steak On A Griddle

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I haven’t kept it a secret that I like the griddle. Griddles and flat-top grills are very versatile outdoor cooking tools that can be used to make pancakes for breakfast and a famous meal for dinner on the same surface.

When it comes to a legendary dinner, nothing beats a perfectly cooked steak. It turns out that one of the best ways to cook a steak is on a griddle. If you do it right, the steaks will taste just as good as those cooked on a grill or in a cast-iron skillet.

Fortunately, cooking a steak on a griddle is a simple process. We’ll go over everything you need to know about how to cook steak on a griddle surface in the rest of this post.

Stay until the end for one of our favorite easy steak recipes for the griddle.

Can you use a griddle to cook a steak?

The good news is that you can cook steak on a griddle no matter what kind you have. In reality, cooking steak on a griddle isn’t any harder than cooking it in a pan or on a grill.

So, however, you like to eat it, a delicious and juicy steak can be just a few minutes away if you own a griddle.

Why should you use a griddle to cook a steak?

Want to get some steak on the table quickly? Use a griddle pan.

Griddles can make beautiful sear marks on your steak without having to use an open grill. There are many different shapes, sizes, and materials for griddle pans, but we like cast iron griddle pans because they heat evenly.

Cast iron lasts a long time and keeps heat well. You can even put a cast iron griddle on your grill to cook your steak more evenly.

Once seasoned, cast iron griddle pans have a surface that doesn’t stick to food. This surface can be kept up by cleaning and re-seasoning the pan.

Using a griddle to cook steak makes cleanup easy, whether you do it on the grill, on the stove, or in the oven. The angled grease slope makes sure that your meal doesn’t get too greasy.

If you want to learn how to cook the perfect steak, cast iron is the way to go. If you cook steak in cast iron, you have a lot more control over the process than when you cook steak in a pan.

The best way to cook a steak indoors is on a griddle. The steak will be soft, juicy, and full of flavor, and it will be exactly how “done” you wanted it to be. Unlike the thin metal of a frying pan, the cast iron cooking surface stays hot even when a cold steak is placed on it.

Why is a griddle a good way to cook a steak?

This flat-top grill steak recipe uses the fire from the propane and the flat top of the grill to sear the steak perfectly. You keep the meat from drying out and it locks in the moisture.

You also have more space to work with when you cook, so you don’t have to worry about keeping the heat even. The flat top of the griddle spreads heat out in a very even way.

What do you need to use a griddle to cook a steak?

The stake and vegetables on the griddle

The good thing about cooking a steak on a griddle is that you don’t need to buy a lot of new tools. Here is a list of the things you will need to cook a perfect steak on your griddle.

  • A griddle – The griddle can be electric and set up on the counter, or it can be made of cast iron and set up on the stovetop. Electric griddles can be set to the right temperature and heated up evenly. Cast iron griddles are great for searing and cooking over high heat.
  • Steaks – Use a steak that is about 1″ thick and has no bones. We like top sirloin, tenderloin, ribeye, or filet mignon
  • Seasoning – Salt and pepper are all you need to add to your steak to bring out a lot of flavors, but you can use any steak seasoning you like.
  • Tongs – A good set of tongs helps you flip or turn the steaks. Don’t do it with a fork! When a fork goes through the meat, it lets all the good juices out. This makes the steak less juicy and dry than it could have been.
  • Meat thermometer – Use a meat thermometer to check how well your steak is done. This will help you make sure that the steak is cooked to the right temperature for whoever you are cooking for.

What are the best steak cuts for grilling?

Different stake cuts

Steaks can be cooked on a flat-top griddle with any cut, but I like some better than others. For a few reasons, I prefer cuts that are medium to thick.

First, steak cuts like Cowboy Ribeyes, which are 1 to 2 inches thick, have a lot of marbling fat. The flat-top griddle makes it easier to cook the steak evenly and melt the fat into the meat. At the same time, it’s easy to control the temperature so it doesn’t get too hot.

You have to check out Blackstone Manhattan NY Filet which we also got from Snake River Farms. It was amazing and well worth every penny.

Next, a thin cut like a New York Strip, T-bone, or grilled flank steak that has good marbling is a New York Strip, T-bone, or grilled flank steak. They will cook faster, but you will still be able to control the heat better.

A thicker cut like Filet Mignon or Chateaubriand can still be cooked on a flat-top griddle grill, but after the initial sear, these steaks do better with a slightly longer, lower-temperature cook where the surface can be easily closed.

Related Posts:

How to Choose a Steak?

  • The steak should look moist but not wet.
  • The edges shouldn’t be rough or uneven.
  • Look for a steak that is a deep red color.
  • There shouldn’t be a lot of connective tissue in the steak, which would make it tough to chew.
  • Check that your steak has medium marbling, which is the little streaks of fat that run through the meat. When you use the griddle method, look for very fine streaks of marbling in your steak. When heated, the fat will melt, and as the food cooks, it will baste itself from the inside.

What can you use to put the steak in a marinade?

There are a lot of steak marinade recipes out there. Also, if you don’t want to make your own steak marinade, you can buy plenty of tasty ones at the store.

Steak marinade is a great way to make your meal taste even better. A marinade with acidic ingredients like vinegar can also help make your steak very tender.

You don’t need to be a chef to make your steak marinade. All you need are a few ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. Since the marinades we have come up with use oil, you won’t have to oil the griddle.

Making a marinade for steak is very easy. As a general rule, you should use at least twice as much oil as you plan to use acid. Any liquid oil at room temperature, like vegetable or sunflower oil, should work fine.

Lemon juice, other acidic fruit juices, vinegar, or balsamic are all acidic things that work. Then, add spices and other flavorings in a way that suits you. Herbs, spices, garlic, and onions, whether fresh or dried, all add flavor and taste.

Once your marinade is ready, put your steak in a container or food bag that won’t let air in and pour your marinade over it. The meat should be put in the fridge for 1 to 12 hours to marinate.

Also Read: Best Quiet Juicers

How Long is Too Long to Leave the Steak in a Marinade?

Marinating steak for more than about 12 hours is not a good idea. This can change the way the meat tastes and feels.

How to get a griddle ready to cook a steak?

A man is cooking stake on the griddle

One of the best things about an electric griddle is how easy it is to get it ready to cook. You just have to turn the dial to the top. Get the griddle to about 400°F to cook a steak to perfection.

Now, if you want to try different ways of cooking, you can add a layer of oil to the surface of the griddle after it has been heated. This can be done in many different ways and with many different oils, but butter and beef fat are our two favorite fats.

Most of the time, butter is the oil used to cook steak on a griddle. It makes the meat taste great, is easy to get, and is easy to do. To use butter as your oil layer, just put a few tablespoons of butter on the griddle. Spread the butter out on the griddle as it melts to make an even “layer” of melted butter.

The other most common way to make an oil layer is to take one of your steaks and rub the fatty ends of it around on the griddle. This melts the fat and makes a tasty layer. This works best when there is a thick layer of fat on one edge of your steak.

A step-by-step guide to cooking steak on a griddle

With a little know-how, cooking a steak on a griddle is a piece of cake. Just follow the steps below and you’ll always have a great steak.

1. Adding Flavor to Your Steak

After you choose your steak (NY Strip, Ribeye, Porterhouse, and T-Bone are some of our favorites), season or marinate it the way you like. For me, the best way to eat steak is to buy a good cut of meat and not do too much to it, so that the beef can be the star.

For me, that means a thin layer of olive oil and then a lot of salt and freshly ground pepper. Let your steak sit out at room temperature for about 30 minutes before putting it on the griddle.

2. Getting Your Griddle Ready

Start the burners on your griddle and turn the knobs to a high setting. The surface of the griddle should reach about 400 °F (this can be measured by an infrared thermometer if you have one).

After the griddle has warmed up, you will also need to make a base layer on the cooking surface. There are a few ways to do this part. Most people use a small amount of butter or cooking oil spread on their flat top. From there, spread the butter or oil around the surface so that a thin film covers the whole area where your steaks will cook.

This will help the cook in more ways than one. First, it will keep your steak from sticking to the griddle. Second, and more importantly, it will help your steak get a beautiful, tasty crust while it’s cooking.

We’ve written a guide to help you figure out what kind of oil to use on your griddle if you’re not sure. Check it out if you’re not sure what kind of oil to use on your griddle.

The other way to make a base layer will make your friends and family very impressed. You can actually take one of your steaks and rub one of the fattier ends on your flat top. If your steak has a big enough fat cap, you could even cut off a big chunk of fat and rub it on your hot cooking surface.

The heat from your cooking surface will melt the fat off, giving you a great place to cook your steaks. Spread fat all over the surface where your steaks will cook.

3.      How to Cook a Steak?

Now comes the part you’ve been looking forward to. The great thing about cooking steak on a griddle is that it’s not hard to do.

Put your steaks on the griddle on top of the butter, oil, or fat you put on the bottom. Using your spatula, press the steak down hard to make sure it makes full and solid contact with the cooking surface.

Let the grill do its thing from there. The goal is to cook the steak long enough for a nice crust to form on each side.

Don’t give in to the urge to keep turning the steaks. During cooking, they only need to be turned over once. When you put the steaks on the griddle for the first time, you can watch the bottom half brown and cook. With every passing minute, the brown will move up the steak’s sides, showing that it’s cooking well.

If you want to check on how the sear is going, you can lift the bottom of the steak.

For all of you who learn best by seeing, here’s a great video of how to cook steak on a griddle:

From what I’ve seen, steaks that are 1 inch thick spend about 15 minutes on the flat top (so I flip them after about 8 minutes). Depending on the size and cut of beef, it can be more or less. For example, a steak that is only 1/2 inch thick will cook faster.

Those time suggestions are just for you to keep in mind. No matter how long steaks have been cooking, they should be cooked until they are done the way you want.

If you’ve done it before and think you can figure it out by eye, go for it!

4. How do You Know When a Steak is Done?

If you’ve never used a griddle pan before, try cooking your steak until it’s medium. If you’re late, your steak will be well done, but not too well done. If you don’t think it’s done enough, just put it back on the griddle for a few more minutes.

It takes practice to learn how to make tender steak, no matter what level of “doneness” you want. If you’re just starting to learn how to cook, the best way to know if your steaks are done is to use a meat thermometer to check the thickest part in the middle. When it gets to the right temperature, take it off the griddle.

Make sure to let the steaks rest for at least 10 minutes before cutting into them.

I use a Bluetooth probe meat thermometer to find out how hot the inside of my steak is. When you use a probe thermometer, you know for sure when your food is done.

With a meat thermometer, you can train yourself to be able to tell by touch when a steak is done. If you press down on a typical steak that is about 3/4 inch thick, you can feel how done it is. The more done it is, the firmer it is and the less moisture comes out when you press it.

If you’re looking, here is the list of my favorite thermometers.

Here is a little guide for how done you want your steak to be. Take your steak off the grill when it reaches the temperatures below.

Use a thermometer that gives you reading right away and follow these rules:

  • Rare: internal temperature of 125 to 130°F
  • Medium-rare: internal temperature of 130 to 135°F
  • Medium: internal temperature of 135 to 145°F
  • Medium-well: 145°F to 155°F on the inside
  • Well-done: 155°F and up

Making a tasty, tender, juicy steak takes practice, but it’s so worth it. Try the recipe above, but each time cook it to a different level. Get a good idea of how long it takes to cook a steak just until it’s rare.

How long until we get there?

Practice is the only way to really learn how to cook a perfect steak every time.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to just press your tongs on the meat to tell when it’s done. You should never flip steaks with a fork because poking the meat with tongs will make all the juices and moisture inside the meat dry out.

It is also a skill to know how to use a griddle pan. Each pan has a different way of cooking. Try something new by making a steak once a week. Practice helps you get better.

5. Let it Rest

One of the most important parts of cooking a steak is letting it rest for at least 5 to 8 minutes before you cut into it. Many people skip this part, which is a shame because it makes the food even better.

While you let your steak rest, it keeps cooking and warming up a little bit. So, if you take a steak off the grill when it’s at 130°F and let it rest, the steak’s temperature will continue to rise by a couple of degrees.

But most importantly, letting your steak rest gives the juices a chance to move around. When you sear and cook your steak over high heat, the juices soak into the meat all the way to the center. If you cut it too soon, the moisture will be out of whack, which can make your steak taste dry when it shouldn’t.

When you let it rest, the juices redistribute themselves evenly throughout the steak. This is how you get a steak as tender and juicy as one from a steakhouse.

How to use a griddle pan to cook different kinds of steak?

Different kinds of stakes

T-bone Steak

A T-bone steak has a bone in it. A T-bone steak, on the other hand, can be cooked just fine on a griddle. Follow our tried-and-true method at the top of the article, and you’ll always have delicious T-bone steaks.

Ribeye Steak

The marbling of fat in a ribeye steak makes it taste even better because it makes the steak more juicy and tender. So, we suggest cooking the steak on the griddle to medium-rare using our tried and true method. It’s enough to make the fat melt deliciously.

If you cook this steak any more than medium-well, you will lose a lot of the good things about it. But if you are cooking for children or people with a weak immune system, you may want to cook the steak longer.

Fillet steak

To cook a fillet steak, you don’t need to do anything different than you would with any other steak. But make sure your fillet steak is not too thin. If it is more than an inch thick, the griddle needs to be heated to more than 400° F.

Since fillet steak is such a treat, it’s a good idea to add a good knob of butter to the griddle near the end of the cooking time to make it even tastier.

Also, remember not to put too many steaks on the griddle at once. The most you can fit on a standard-sized griddle is two steaks. But if you have a large flat-top griddle, you can cook more at once as long as there is space between them.

Rump Steak

The method we describe at the top of this article is a great way to cook rump steak. But check to see how thick the steak is. If it’s very thick or very thin, you’ll have to change the cooking time.

Skirt Steak

Skirt steak is a cheap cut of meat that goes well in fajitas and other dishes. But it can be tougher than a lot of other kinds of steak. Skirt steak can be cooked just fine on a regular or electric griddle, and it’s very easy to do.

Using a meat tenderizer to soften the meat first is the key to making a great skirt steak. This will help the meat be easier to chew. Then you can cook the steak as we did, but add a drizzle of oil to the pan before putting the steak in.

For a steak that is medium-rare to medium, cook it for three minutes on one side and then two minutes on the other. Skirt steak needs less time to cook because it is thinner, especially after it has been tenderized.

How to slice a steak?

A person is slicing a steak

When the steak has had enough time to rest, it’s time to eat it.

The steak should be cut across the grain. This makes the meat fibers shorter, which makes the meat more tender and easier to chew.

Don’t know what it means?

Look for long lines that run across the steak, usually from one end to the other. You’ll need to cut between them.

When you cut across the grain, you may need to move the steak a little bit.

Recipes for using a griddle to cook steak

We think the best way to finish off a tasty steak is with a sauce that is both tasty and flavorful. Here are some quick ways to make great steak sauces that only take a few minutes.

Salsa Verde


  • Finely chopped handfuls of parsley, mint, and chives
  • 2 anchovy fillets with thin slices
  • 6 capers cut up
  • 1 small piece of chopped garlic
  • Juice from one lemon
  • 3 tbsp virgin extra olive oil


Just mix the ingredients together and serve! It’s that easy to make a tasty, fresh, and lively sauce that will make your steak stand out.



  • 1 fat garlic clove
  • 1 red or green chili pepper, without the seeds
  • 3 spoonfuls of white wine vinegar
  • Fresh cilantro and parsley, each with a handful
  • 2 tablespoons of pure olive oil


Blend all of the ingredients with a pinch of salt in a blender. Before you serve the sauce, we suggest putting it in the fridge for a few hours.

Mustard sauce


  • 2,5 ounces of creme fraiche
  • 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard


This sauce is so easy to make because it only has two ingredients. Put the two ingredients into a small saucepan and mix them well. Very slowly, heat the mixture until the sauce just starts to bubble. Don’t let it get to a boil. Pour the sauce right away on top of your steak.

Salt and Pepper

A steak in the pile of salt


  • 1 14-16 oz. steak Ribeye, T-Bone, or NY Strip
  • 1 tbsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp. fresh black pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp. olive oil


  1. Turn up the heat on the griddle
  2. Brush the steak with a little olive oil.
  3. Put a lot of kosher salt and freshly ground pepper on the steak.
  4. Make a base layer on your griddle by rubbing the fatty end of your steak on the griddle or using a little bit of butter or oil.
  5. Put the steak on the bottom layer and press down to make sure it makes good contact with the cooking surface.
  6. Cook until the meat is done the way you want it, turning it over halfway through. It takes about 18 minutes to cook a steak that is 1 inch thick (9 minutes per side)
  7. Take the steak off the grill and let it rest for 15 minutes at room temperature. Cut it up, serve it, and eat it.



  • 1-inch thick steaks of your choice
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • A few sprigs of fresh thyme
  • Salt, cracked black pepper, and any other spices you like.


  1. Take your steak out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you cook it so that it has time to warm up. This keeps the center from not being cooked through enough and makes it easier to get a nice sear on the outside.
  2. Sprinkle a little olive oil, salt, and cracked black pepper on the steak. You can also sprinkle on some garlic powder, onion powder, or any other seasoning you like. (Don’t forget that you’re going to add some thyme at the end.)
  3. Set your griddle pan to 300°F and heat it. Place two steaks at a time on the part of the pan that isn’t oiled and cook for 3 minutes per side. Don’t get too close to them. Turn the steak gently with kitchen tongs and keep cooking until it’s as done as you like it.
  4. About 2 minutes before the steak is done, put a small knob of butter on top and use the fresh thyme to brush the melted butter all over the steak. Both the butter and the herbs will get into the steak this way.
  5. Take the steak off the griddle when it’s done and let it rest for 5–10 minutes before serving. This last step is very important because it lets the juices that got stirred up while cooking gets back into the meat. When you cut a freshly cooked steak open, all the juice will run out onto the plate, which is a sad sight. The steak will end up being drier and less tasty.

What steak cuts shouldn’t be cooked on a griddle?

I would cook any cut on a flat top grill, but I prefer to use the reverse sear method on my pellet grill for the thickest cuts. This way, I can use the lower temperature and the lid to get the thickest cuts to the right internal temperature without drying out the outside.

What can you put on top of a steak?

Steak goes well with a lot of different toppings, like crab meat, peppercorn sauce, steak sauce, hot sauce, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, and more.

If you’re looking for ideas for what to put on top of your steaks on a flat-top grill, here are a few ideas:

  • Caramelized Onions: Steak and onions go together like peanut butter and jelly.
  • Traeger Grilled Crab Legs
  • Crab Cakes
  • Smoked Onion Butter
  • Steak with Lobster
  • Steak with Garlic Cream Sauce and Shrimp
  • Hasselback Potatoes take baked potatoes to the next level. They are full of bacon and cheese.
  • Glazed carrots, which are carrots with brown sugar and butter topping, are an easy side dish.
  • Baked sweet potatoes are easy to make in an air fryer. Butter and cinnamon go on top.
  • Take it to the next level with this tasty broccoli salad that everyone loves. Fresh broccoli, red onion, bacon, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and cheese give this dish a lot of taste.

Frequently asked questions

Steak griddle or frying pan?

People often ask us which is better for cooking steak: a griddle or a frying pan. In reality, both are good ways to cook steak. You should be able to cook a delicious steak on a griddle or in a frying pan as long as the cooking surface is nice and hot.

How hot should an electric skillet be to cook a steak?

If you want to cook steak on an electric griddle or any other kind of griddle, you need to know the best temperature to cook it at. Medium-high heat is best because it will cook the steak all the way through and give it a delicious brown crust.
A steak with a normal thickness should be cooked at between 260° and 400° F. If your steak is thin, you will need to cook it at a higher temperature because it will cook much faster.

How long do you cook a steak on an electric griddle?

How well done you want your steak makes a big difference in how long you cook it. You need to know how long to cook steak on an electric griddle or any other kind. Some people like their steaks rare, while others like them cooked all the way through.
If you’re making food for kids, you’ll probably want to cook the steak on the well-done side.
If your steak isn’t very thick, you should only need to cook it for 4 minutes on each side for a medium-rare steak. If you want a medium steak, add 7 minutes to each side. If you want a really well-done steak, add even more time.

Should oil be put on a griddle pan?

Instead of oil, we use butter in our method. But you can keep your steak from sticking to the griddle pan by using a brush of cooking oil or a mixture of oil and butter.


As you can see, it’s quick and easy to cook steak on a griddle. You can use this method to cook any kind of steak, whether you have an electric, standard, or flat-top griddle.

Don’t forget to follow our top tips and try out some of our delicious sauce recipes to make your steak even better.

A simple way to add more flavor and variety to your meal is to marinate your steak.

Happy cooking!

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